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Peer Mentoring Program

The Pride Center Peer Mentoring Program (PCPMP) partners incoming, transfer, and younger Volunteers with older students in order to connect them to the LGBTQ+ and ally community, feel more knowledgeable about campus resources, and transition successfully to college life at Rocky Top.

Are you looking to:

  • Make new friends and have fun at free events
  • Develop your leadership skills
  • Get to know Knoxville and the LGBTQ+ community
  • Utilize all the resources that UT has to offer you as a Volunteer

You’ve come to the right place! Check out this video below for a brief rundown of the program for both mentors and mentees. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in contact with us.

Interested in being a mentee?

We are accepting new applications for the 2024-2025 academic year! This second round of recruitment will close on Sunday January 19th at 8pm.

Through participating in the Pride Center Peer Mentoring Program, it is our goal for mentees to:

  • Achieve a sense of or become more confident in their identity.
  • Develop a sense of belonging, loyalty and institutional affinity
  • Develop meaningful interpersonal relationships
  • Be able to identify and utilize campus resources

Mentees are expected to:

  • Meet with your mentor at twice a month. Mentees and mentors will be matched through a MANDATORY “Speed dating” event focused on academic colleges, hobbies and personal interests, and what the mentee is looking for out of a mentor.
  • Attend at least two campus events together per academic year. The mentors and mentees decide on the events together. We strongly encourage but do not require at least one event to be LGBTQ+ focused
  • Attend the formalized PCPMP events such as the Meet and Greet and End of Semester Celebration
  • (most importantly) Have fun with their mentor

We are currently accepting program applications! Please fill out every box fully–do not skip. You will receive an email confirmation upon successful submission.

Interested in being a mentor?

We are not currently accepting mentor applications as we have already hired on our 2024 – 2025 mentor cohort.

UPDATE FOR 2024-2025 ACADEMIC YEAR: All mentors will be compensated for their dedication and leadership skills. 

Through participating in the Pride Center Peer Mentoring Program, it is our goal that mentors will:

  • Contribute to a healthy, sustainable campus and community
  • Develop a sense of belonging, loyalty and institutional affinity
  • Develop meaningful interpersonal relationships
  • Lead with integrity

Mentors should:

  • Be friendly, kind, compassionate, and respectful. We are looking for students that are excited to guide and support newer students. This may include discussions of identity and/or other sensitive topics, so to-be mentors should have a firm grasp on privacy and confidentiality
  • Be able to serve as a resource for their mentees, including answering questions about campus life, offering tips and advice, connecting with resources and departments, and other peer support. If unable to answer a question, they are proactive about seeking the answer elsewhere. Mentor are given a training on resource information, among other topics, for their benefit
  • Attend at least two campus events with their mentee per academic year, meet with their mentees at least twice a month, meet with the Pride Center graduate assistant for monthly check-ins, and respond to any required communications
  • Remain in good academic and conduct standing
  • (most importantly) Have fun with their mentee
  • Mentees and mentors will be matched through a MANDATORY “Speed dating” event focused on academic colleges, hobbies and personal interests, and what the mentee is looking for out of a mentor.